Current Table


($ billions, end of year)

  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Percent change, 2007-2011
Total assets $11,543.0 $11,118.3 $11,576.9 $11,538.5 $11,587.0 0.4%
Household sector 2,129.8 2,066.2 2,227.0 1,955.7 1,887.1 -11.4
State and local governments 140.7 137.5 144.8 154.3 150.1 6.7
Federal government 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.9 0.8 NA
Rest of the world (1) 2,719.1 2,354.0 2,465.3 2,488.6 2,416.4 -11.1
U.S.-chartered depository institutions (2) 714.6 650.5 667.1 548.9 551.8 -22.8
Foreign banking offices in U.S. 369.5 401.6 244.9 233.9 234.5 -36.5
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.6 4.2 740.0
Credit unions 34.6 25.7 18.6 3.7 4.1 -88.2
Property/casualty insurance companies 282.9 267.5 298.3 322.6 361.0 27.6
Life insurance companies 1,862.6 1,817.0 1,927.2 2,030.2 2,128.7 14.3
Private pension funds 357.4 400.1 442.9 440.1 440.9 23.4
State and local govt retirement funds 297.0 312.9 308.6 312.4 320.9 8.0
Federal government retirement funds 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.7 23.3
Money market mutual funds 376.8 228.0 169.9 154.2 129.6 -65.6
Mutual funds 889.9 959.9 1,126.8 1,275.4 1,465.8 64.7
Closed-end funds 74.0 48.7 54.0 58.1 56.2 -24.1
Exchange-traded funds 13.8 27.7 55.3 74.0 100.4 627.5
Government-sponsored enterprises 464.4 386.6 310.8 293.9 260.5 -43.9
Finance companies 189.4 192.4 198.6 179.0 183.8 -3.0
Real Estate Investment Trusts 34.4 11.7 15.5 20.8 22.1 -35.8
Brokers and dealers 382.8 123.8 154.4 189.5 103.7 -72.9
Holding companies 35.9 35.8 31.1 38.3 18.3 -49.0
Funding corporations 170.0 667.3 710.2 760.1 742.4 336.7

(1) Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.
(2) Includes savings banks and commercial banks.

NA=Not applicable.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 7, 2012.


($ billions, end of year)

  2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Percent
Total $7,916.6 $8,683.3 $9,970.2 $11,302.0 $11,137.0 40.7%
Household sector 1,135.5 1,288.2 1,520.6 1,831.0 1,664.4 46.6
State and local governments 118.2 127.2 139.4 148.1 144.5 22.3
Rest of the world (1) 1,558.9 1,762.9 2,320.8 2,780.8 2,808.4 80.2
Commercial banking 563.6 687.0 780.3 978.7 984.7 74.7
Savings institutions 59.2 80.2 89.4 138.5 104.5 76.5
Credit unions 25.0 23.5 30.6 34.6 25.7 2.8
Property/casualty insurance companies 245.3 262.8 277.0 282.9 276.4 12.7
Life insurance companies 1,756.3 1,824.8 1,822.8 1,862.8 1,839.7 4.7
Private pension funds 267.8 290.0 317.6 357.3 400.1 49.4
State and local govt retirement funds 213.5 227.9 296.9 287.8 288.6 35.2
Federal govt retirement funds 3.0 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.9 -3.3
Money market mutual funds 261.0 263.2 368.3 376.8 228.0 -12.6
Mutual funds 596.8 662.7 768.9 890.5 965.1 61.7
Closed-end funds 67.6 69.3 75.1 74.0 49.8 -26.3
Exchange-traded funds 3.3 5.3 7.6 13.8 27.7 739.4
Government-sponsored enterprises 414.8 465.7 481.7 464.4 335.3 -19.2
Finance companies 256.0 203.5 184.8 189.4 192.4 -24.8
Real Estate Investment Trusts 36.0 53.0 64.6 34.4 14.5 -59.7
Brokers and dealers 238.0 315.7 360.5 383.1 117.0 -50.8
Funding corporations 96.8 67.5 60.4 170.0 667.3 589.4

(1) Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 11, 2009.


($ billions, end of year)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Percent change,
Total $8,694.6 $9,982.2 $11,426.1 $11,158.8 $11,482.1 32.1%
Household sector 1,299.5 1,552.8 2,005.4 1,988.6 2,197.9 69.1
State and local governments 127.2 139.4 148.1 149.5 160.2 25.9
Federal government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 NA
Rest of the world (1) 1,762.9 2,320.8 2,719.1 2,456.7 2,348.4 33.2
Commercial banking 687.0 780.3 978.2 979.9 867.7 26.3
Savings institutions 80.2 92.7 142.2 108.5 85.1 6.1
Credit unions 23.5 30.6 34.6 25.7 18.6 -20.9
Property/casualty insurance companies 262.8 277.0 282.9 267.5 298.3 13.5
Life insurance companies 1,824.8 1,819.5 1,862.6 1,817.0 1,917.2 5.1
Private pension funds 290.0 317.6 357.4 400.1 442.9 52.7
State and local govt retirement funds 227.9 283.4 297.0 312.9 310.1 36.1
Federal govt retirement funds 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.4
Money market mutual funds 263.2 368.3 376.8 228.0 169.9 -35.4
Mutual funds 662.7 767.0 889.9 959.9 1,106.1 66.9
Closed-end funds 69.3 75.1 74.0 49.5 55.3 -20.2
Exchange-traded funds 5.3 7.6 13.8 27.7 55.3 943.4
Government-sponsored enterprises 465.7 481.7 464.4 386.6 310.8 -33.3
Finance companies 203.5 184.8 189.4 192.4 198.6 -2.4
Real Estate Investment Trusts 53.0 64.6 34.4 14.4 17.5 -67.0
Brokers and dealers 315.7 355.5 382.8 123.8 171.3 -45.7
Funding corporations 67.5 60.4 170.0 667.3 747.2 1,007.0

(1) Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.

NA=Not applicable.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 10, 2010.


($ billions, end of year)

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Percent change,

Total  $9,981.8 $11,435.0 $11,016.5 $11,434.4 $11,332.2 13.5%
Household sector 1,552.8 2,017.1 1,956.3 2,067.5 1,763.1 13.5
State and local governments 139.4 145.3 142.9 150.9 161.1 15.6
Federal government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.9 NA
Rest of the world (1) 2,320.5 2,719.1 2,354.0 2,489.3 2,446.7 5.4
Commercial banking 780.3 978.2 979.9 861.8 747.2 -4.2
Savings institutions 92.7 142.2 108.5 84.5 73.9 -20.3
Credit unions 30.6 34.6 25.7 18.6 0.0 -100.0
Property/casualty insurance companies 277.0 282.9 267.5 298.3 322.6 16.5
Life insurance companies 1,819.5 1,862.6 1,817.0 1,914.7 2,027.1 11.4
Private pension funds 317.6 357.4 400.1 442.9 483.5 52.2
State and local govt retirement funds 283.4 297.0 312.9 308.6 312.4 10.2
Federal govt retirement funds 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.2 10.3
Money market mutual funds 368.3 376.8 228.0 169.9 154.2 -58.1
Mutual funds 767.0 889.9 959.9 1,106.1 1,264.5 64.9
Closed-end funds 75.1 74.0 48.7 54.0 58.1 -22.6
Exchange-traded funds 7.6 13.8 27.7 55.3 74.0 873.7
Government-sponsored enterprises 481.7 464.4 386.6 310.8 293.9 -39.0
Finance companies 184.8 189.4 192.4 198.6 179.0 -3.1
Real Estate Investment Trusts 64.6 34.4 14.4 17.6 22.4 -65.3
Brokers and dealers 355.5 382.8 123.8 171.3 184.3 -48.2
Funding corporations 60.4 170.0 667.3 710.2 760.1 1,158.4

(1) Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.

NA=Not applicable.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 9, 2011.