Current Table

Total Potential Residential Exposure To Hurricane Storm-Surge Damage In Coastal States, 2013 (1)
Rank (2) State Total exposure
to damage
($ billions)
of homes
1 Florida $386.5 1,478,858
2 New York 135.0 270,458
3 New Jersey 118.8 350,577
4 Virginia 78.0 329,234
5 Louisiana 72.0 411,052
6 South Carolina 65.6 196,784
7 North Carolina 65.2 232,212
8 Texas 50.9 369,071
9 Massachusetts 50.3 107,657
10 Connecticut 35.0 53,614
11 Maryland 22.4 75,262
12 Georgia 20.5 118,004
13 Delaware 15.9 42,178
14 Mississippi 10.3 78,992
15 Rhode Island 7.2 16,722
16 Alabama 4.7 34,854
17 Maine 3.1 10,535
18 New Hampshire 2.7 5,854
19 Pennsylvania 2.6 20,198
20 D.C. 0.1 247
  United States $1,146.9 4,202,363

(1) Exposure to potential hurricane-driven storm-surge damage to single family homes in states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Based on estimated property values as of April 2013, as calculated by CoreLogic. Results are not comparable to previous years, as CoreLogic’s methodology has changed.
(2) Ranked on dollar value of exposure to damage.

Source: CoreLogic (

Rank (2) State Total exposure to damage
($ billions)
Number of homes
16 Alabama $3.2 32,505
11 Connecticut 18.1 46,312
13 Delaware 7.9 37,249
20 D.C. 0.1 250
1 Florida 188.5 1,379,379
12 Georgia 13.3 98,095
5 Louisiana 41.3 497,074
17 Maine 2.0 9,112
10 Maryland 27.5 96,625
6 Massachusetts 38.3 112,196
14 Mississippi 5.6 70,333
19 New Hampshire 1.3 5,211
3 New Jersey 95.5 346,035
2 New York 111.0 281,500
9 North Carolina 30.6 162,255
18 Pennsylvania 1.5 9,915
15 Rhode Island 5.5 20,246
8 South Carolina 35.0 159,236
7 Texas 35.3 353,584
4 Virginia 48.7 305,486
  U.S. $710.3 4,022,598

(1) Exposure to damage to single family homes in states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Based on estimated property values as of May 15, 2012, as calculated by CoreLogic.
(2) Ranked on dollar value of exposure to damage.

Source: CoreLogic (