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Resource Center

Know Your Plan App

Be prepared to protect your home and family in case of disaster.

Wood Stove Safety

If you're among the thousands who have succumbed to the lure of the wood burning stove, keep in mind that the return to the "good old days" of wood stove heating can have some old-fashioned drawbacks.

Fire hazard is one of them.

The resurgence of the wood burner as a supplementary source of heat has led to an alarming—and growing—number of fires traceable to careless installation or misuse.

Surviving severe cold weather

Much of the country periodically experiences severe and sustained cold weather, with snowfalls interspersed with periods of melting and freezing. This can inflict considerable damage on homes.

Here are some tips and steps you can take to make insurance losses less likely during extended severe weather.

Settling insurance claims after a disaster

What you need to know about

  • how to file a claim
  • how the claim process works
  • what's covered and what's not

First steps

Contact your agent or company immediately. Find out:

Renters Insurance

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If you rent a house or apartment and think that your landlord is financially responsible when there is a fire, theft or other catastrophe—think again.

Your landlord may have insurance to protect the building you are living in. But your landlord’s policy won’t replace your personal possessions or pay for your living expenses while the building is being repaired.

Kerosene Heater Safety

If you use a kerosene heater in your home or place of business, you should take precautions against a number of serious hazards.

These dangers include:

Fire or explosion. Fire could be caused by operating the heater too close to furniture, draperies or other combustibles, by knocking over a lighted heater, or by accidentally igniting fuel when filling the tank. Explosions could be caused by use of the wrong kind of fuel, or by operating the heater in an area where there are combustible fumes.

Insurance for Your House and Personal Possessions

Download a PDF version of this brochure.

If your house burns down or if your possessions are stolen, you don't want to find out that your homeowners insurance policy pays less than you thought it would.

The information in this brochure can help you avoid such unpleasant surprises.

Be Fire Smart: Tips for Travelers

If you are planning to stay in a hotel or motel, even for one night, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the premises and to locate escape routes in case an emergency should occur.

Knowing what to do in an emergency is crucial, especially if that emergency is a fire. Acting calmly and quickly may save your life. The following fire safety tips are a must for every traveler: