
Infographic: Got Lightning? Get Grounded

Infographic: Hurricane Deductibles

A printable version of the infographic can be downloaded here.

Health safety following a flood

Cleaning up after a flood can pose health risks. You and your family should wait to re-enter your home until professionals tell you it is safe, with no structural, electrical or other hazards.

Before you start cleanup activities, contact your insurance company and take pictures of the home and your belongings. Remember, drying your home and removing water-damaged items is your most important step for preventing mold damage.


Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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Infographic: How to file a flood insurance claim

Experiencing a flood is never pleasant. However, there are things that you can do to make the claims process run more smoothly and efficiently.

What is El Niño and why is it important?

El Niño is a phenomenon that has effect on climate patterns, often triggering or intensifying extreme weather all over the world. Understand how these extremes—such as hurricanes or droughts conditions—can affect you as a home or business owner.

Infographic: Is your business ready for peak hurricane season?

Crucial steps businesses can take to protect both their facilities and finances in the event of a natural disaster.


Please click on the file name below to view the white paper in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file.

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Infographic: This hurricane season, lock in peace of mind


Hurricane season insurance guide

Hurricane season takes place June 1 – November 30 every year. Don’t wait until after you have a loss to check your insurance—review your homeowners or renters policies to make you have the right coverage in the event you're hit with a destructive storm.

Does my business need flood insurance?

Natural disasters can be devastating to businesses. While damage caused by some types of natural events—such as lightning or wind—will usually be covered by commercial property insurance, you need a special policy if you want protection from flood damage. This Q&A will help you understand this type of coverage and determine whether your business needs it.

Insurance for landslides and mudflow

Aside from the danger of flooding, heavy rainfall can also lead to mudflow, basically creating a river of mud; and landslides, which are caused by the movement of the destabilized land—due either to gradual erosion or an accumulation of water.

Don’t confuse mudflows with mudslides as there are distinct differences.  Mudslides occur when a mass of earth or rock moves downhill, propelled by gravity. They typically don't contain enough liquid to seep into your home, and they aren't eligible for flood insurance coverage. In fact, mudslides are not covered by any policy.
