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A Firm Foundation: How Insurance Supports the Economy

Property/casualty (P/C) insurers pay out billions of dollars each year to settle claims. Many of the payments go to businesses, such as auto repair companies, that help claimants get their lives back together after an accident, fire, windstorm or other incident that caused the injury or property damage. Insurance claim payments support local businesses, enabling them to provide jobs and pay taxes that support the local economy. When life insurance claims are paid, funds flow into the general economy, as beneficiaries spend the money they receive. When P/C insurance claims are paid, funds flow to the industries that supply claimants with the goods and services necessary for their recovery. The following charts show incurred losses, i.e. losses occurring during a fixed period, whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period.

Incurred Losses By State, Property/Casualty Insurance, 2023 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alabama $7,932,869 Montana $2,025,856
Alaska 1,025,399 Nebraska 5,372,466
Arizona 10,981,256 Nevada 5,924,381
Arkansas 6,423,348 New Hampshire 1,718,741
California 72,025,659 New Jersey 17,965,451
Colorado 15,238,969 New Mexico 3,454,938
Connecticut 7,005,190 New York 38,805,160
D.C. 1,116,105 North Carolina 13,744,918
Delaware 2,381,057 North Dakota 2,128,868
Florida 47,129,738 Ohio 14,596,857
Georgia 22,801,322 Oklahoma 8,366,866
Hawaii 4,669,909 Oregon 6,029,034
Idaho 2,948,163 Pennsylvania 19,228,027
Illinois 23,963,149 Rhode Island 2,033,900
Indiana 9,851,610 South Carolina 8,824,621
Iowa 6,968,028 South Dakota 2,492,708
Kansas 7,183,002 Tennessee 11,615,138
Kentucky 7,736,442 Texas 60,506,220
Louisiana 8,839,163 Utah 4,488,497
Maine 1,823,550 Vermont 969,148
Maryland 9,560,307 Virginia 10,576,704
Massachusetts 11,387,348 Washington 12,441,549
Michigan 15,492,036 West Virginia 2,082,174
Minnesota 12,537,510 Wisconsin 8,513,219
Mississippi 5,153,294 Wyoming 932,659
Missouri 11,481,010 United States $598,493,532

(1) Losses occurring within a fixed period whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period, on a direct basis before reinsurance.

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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Incurred Losses By State, Private Passenger Auto Insurance, 2019 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alaska $308,139 Montana $588,968
Alabama 2,258,109 Nebraska 911,323
Arizona 3,552,668 Nevada 1,798,167
Arkansas 1,278,682 New Hampshire 534,065
California 19,828,210 New Jersey 5,127,131
Colorado 3,611,420 New Mexico 933,190
Connecticut 2,025,687 New York 9,742,081
Delaware 658,301 North Carolina 4,416,542
D.C. 247,225 North Dakota 341,128
Florida 14,573,433 Ohio 4,138,688
Georgia 6,545,121 Oklahoma 1,624,033
Hawaii 491,485 Oregon 1,898,564
Idaho 635,120 Pennsylvania 5,987,024
Illinois 4,960,261 Rhode Island 644,406
Indiana 2,426,160 South Carolina 2,895,281
Iowa 1,133,148 South Dakota 366,509
Kansas 1,241,349 Tennessee 2,756,583
Kentucky 2,034,506 Texas 14,857,798
Louisiana 3,017,890 Utah 1,447,401
Maine 475,688 Vermont 220,562
Maryland 3,516,122 Virginia 3,823,270
Massachusetts 3,428,912 Washington 3,587,146
Michigan 5,871,429 West Virginia 773,648
Minnesota 2,517,671 Wisconsin 2,044,770
Mississippi 1,273,691 Wyoming 323,346
Missouri 2,687,254 United States $162,379,305

(1) Losses occurring within a fixed period whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period, on a direct basis before reinsurance.

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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Incurred Losses By State, Homeowners Insurance, 2019 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alabama $911,785 Montana $138,443
Alaska 78,263 Nebraska 831,422
Arizona 758,282 Nevada 310,490
Arkansas 450,791 New Hampshire 167,682
California 15,537,312 New Jersey 1,027,437
Colorado 1,847,521 New Mexico 399,164
Connecticut 530,780 New York 2,255,396
Delaware 101,998 North Carolina 1,239,572
D.C. 74,814 North Dakota 66,665
Florida 8,338,668 Ohio 1,382,572
Georgia 2,281,253 Oklahoma 733,822
Hawaii 124,226 Oregon 556,768
Idaho 256,968 Pennsylvania 1,450,507
Illinois 2,872,152 Rhode Island 156,012
Indiana 1,084,975 South Carolina 721,977
Iowa 656,054 South Dakota 186,924
Kansas 639,267 Tennessee 1,057,190
Kentucky 600,526 Texas 6,923,450
Louisiana 616,808 Utah 285,032
Maine 197,973 Vermont 91,470
Maryland 903,136 Virginia 1,294,734
Massachusetts 738,068 Washington 936,217
Michigan 1,477,520 West Virginia 191,015
Minnesota 1,855,159 Wisconsin 821,867
Mississippi 453,816 Wyoming 134,152
Missouri 1,323,972 United States $68,072,066

(1) Losses occurring within a fixed period whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period, on a direct basis before reinsurance.  

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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Incurred Losses By State, Commercial Insurance, 2019 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alabama $1,793,587 Montana $919,776
Alaska 356,189 Nebraska 1,708,365
Arizona 2,327,020 Nevada 1,672,253
Arkansas 1,600,472 New Hampshire 468,357
California 21,356,376 New Jersey 6,785,945
Colorado 3,103,153 New Mexico 889,278
Connecticut 2,220,881 New York 15,514,275
Delaware 688,956 North Carolina 3,702,391
D.C. 378,394 North Dakota 1,273,448
Florida 14,534,813 Ohio 4,238,179
Georgia 5,610,805 Oklahoma 1,893,782
Hawaii 584,652 Oregon 1,868,227
Idaho 850,249 Pennsylvania 7,314,696
Illinois 8,527,029 Rhode Island 525,819
Indiana 2,861,556 South Carolina 2,250,933
Iowa 1,879,763 South Dakota 1,591,974
Kansas 1,784,301 Tennessee 2,336,953
Kentucky 1,875,461 Texas 17,492,038
Louisiana 2,971,976 Utah 1,123,346
Maine 566,361 Vermont 328,064
Maryland 2,789,339 Virginia 2,822,991
Massachusetts 3,638,401 Washington 2,946,766
Michigan 3,848,514 West Virginia 644,046
Minnesota 3,862,174 Wisconsin 3,185,911
Mississippi 1,262,239 Wyoming 351,323
Missouri 3,507,667 United States $178,629,467

(1) Losses occurring within a fixed period whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period, on a direct basis before reinsurance.  

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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Incurred Losses By State, Workers Compensation Insurance, 2019 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alabama $143,564 Montana $154,455
Alaska 69,449 Nebraska 190,479
Arizona 411,633 Nevada 186,877
Arkansas 113,937 New Hampshire 75,221
California 4,631,636 New Jersey 1,327,417
Colorado 481,069 New Mexico 132,515
Connecticut 361,742 New York 1,381,092
Delaware 47,974 North Carolina 519,760
D.C. 75,748 North Dakota 110
Florida 1,546,007 Ohio 11,753
Georgia 746,776 Oklahoma 182,901
Hawaii 151,164 Oregon 394,994
Idaho 314,351 Pennsylvania 1,470,850
Illinois 1,078,842 Rhode Island 125,915
Indiana 354,699 South Carolina 404,220
Iowa 365,676 South Dakota 88,499
Kansas 217,942 Tennessee 297,401
Kentucky 353,353 Texas 922,526
Louisiana 397,280 Utah 208,654
Maine 148,236 Vermont 107,798
Maryland 441,939 Virginia 508,363
Massachusetts 756,459 Washington -14,301
Michigan 323,267 West Virginia 99,646
Minnesota 504,421 Wisconsin 1,068,062
Mississippi 159,864 Wyoming -205
Missouri 509,373 United States $24,551,401

(1) Losses occurring within a fixed period whether or not adjusted or paid during the same period, on a direct basis before reinsurance.

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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Life Insurance Claims And Benefits Paid By State, 2019 (1)


State Incurred losses State Incurred losses
Alabama $6,346,204 Montana $1,251,800
Alaska 1,209,744 Nebraska 4,147,955
Arizona 10,731,228 Nevada 3,700,350
Arkansas 3,455,412 New Hampshire 3,041,513
California 54,149,695 New Jersey 23,448,834
Colorado 9,135,183 New Mexico 2,320,059
Connecticut 20,431,775 New York 46,376,639
Delaware 11,815,090 North Carolina 15,544,519
D.C. 2,297,225 North Dakota 1,262,696
Florida 40,497,609 Ohio 21,500,084
Georgia 15,920,046 Oklahoma 4,395,394
Hawaii 2,699,710 Oregon 6,152,166
Idaho 2,181,859 Pennsylvania 28,324,239
Illinois 21,548,170 Rhode Island 2,122,265
Indiana 10,924,080 South Carolina 7,353,026
Iowa 10,236,743 South Dakota 1,461,123
Kansas 4,800,137 Tennessee 10,303,027
Kentucky 6,447,731 Texas 33,996,071
Louisiana 6,846,844 Utah 4,765,669
Maine 2,307,339 Vermont 1,231,078
Maryland 10,586,801 Virginia 13,333,591
Massachusetts 19,845,463 Washington 10,668,287
Michigan 19,620,725 West Virginia 2,421,391
Minnesota 14,140,167 Wisconsin 11,207,735
Mississippi 3,222,378 Wyoming 824,487
Missouri 12,813,454 United States $585,364,809

(1) On a direct basis before reinsurance. Includes life insurance, death benefits, matured endowments, annuity benefits, and other life insurance benefits. Does not include accident and health benefits.

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

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