Current Table


($ billions)

  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Total financial assets $3,092.0 $2,217.2 $2,084.2 $2,075.1 $1,953.5
Checkable deposits and currency 105.0 120.1 90.7 96.9 114.8
Credit market instruments 803.1 717.4 525.3 557.5 567.2
     Open market paper 87.1 65.7 41.5 36.2 42.1
     U.S. government securities 230.2 433.2 233.9 244.3 335.5
          Treasury -60.0 190.6 123.0 94.5 187.8
          Agency- and GSE (1)-backed securities 290.2 242.6 110.9 149.8 147.7
     Municipal securities 50.1 38.7 35.4 40.0 31.5
     Corporate and foreign bonds 382.8 123.8 154.4 189.5 103.7
     Other loans and advances 52.8 55.9 60.1 47.4 54.3
Corporate equities 224.8 109.2 124.2 117.2 100.9
Security credit 325.5 164.8 203.0 278.2 238.5
Miscellaneous assets 1,633.7 1,105.7 1,141.0 1,025.3 932.0
Total liabilities $3,019.4 $2,158.1 $1,987.8 $1,990.2 $1,889.3
Security repos (2) (net) 1,147.3 586.9 470.9 404.7 213.3
Credit market instruments 64.8 142.6 92.9 129.7 91.8
     Corporate bonds 64.8 97.1 92.9 129.7 91.8
     Depository institution loans (3) 0.0 45.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Trade payables 45.8 21.2 70.1 18.1 14.2
Security credit 1,200.9 963.6 888.2 936.6 1,073.6
     Customer credit balances 866.4 742.7 668.6 694.3 752.3
     From U.S.-chartered depository institutions 145.9 158.6 158.0 152.3 189.6
     From foreign banking offices in U.S. 188.6 62.3 61.6 90.1 131.7
Taxes payable 2.2 2.5 5.7 3.6 2.1
Miscellaneous liabilities 558.4 441.4 460.1 497.5 494.2
     Foreign direct investment in U.S. 62.6 72.1 74.5 103.0 113.6
     Investment by funding corporations 567.5 672.1 1,119.3 1,076.6 1,119.5
     Other -71.7 -302.8 -733.7 -682.0 -738.9

(1) Government-sponsored enterprise.
(2) Security repurchase agreements: short-term agreements to sell and repurchase government securities at a specified date and at a set price.
(3) Loans extended through the Federal Reserve's Primary Dealer Credit Facility and the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 7, 2012.


($ billions)

  2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Total financial assets $1,844.9 $2,127.1 $2,741.7 $3,092.0 $2,217.2
Checkable deposits and currency 62.9 56.5 80.5 105.0 120.1
Credit market instruments 394.9 477.2 583.4 803.1 717.4
Open market paper 48.0 60.2 64.3 87.1 65.7
U.S. government securities 62.7 36.4 71.0 230.2 433.2
     Treasury -44.6 -64.6 -67.0 -60.0 190.6
     Agency- and GSE (1)-backed securities 107.3 101.0 138.0 290.2 242.6
Municipal securities 32.0 42.9 50.9 50.1 38.7
Corporate and foreign bonds 238.0 315.7 360.5 383.1 117.0
Other loans and advances 14.2 22.0 36.7 52.5 62.7
Corporate equities 129.1 158.3 186.4 224.8 109.2
Security credit 264.0 232.4 292.1 325.5 164.8
Miscellaneous assets 994.0 1,202.6 1,599.4 1,633.7 1,105.7
Total liabilities $1,777.8 $2,052.6 $2,668.0 $3,039.4 $2,146.3
Security repos (2) (net) 526.9 733.6 1,071.8 1,147.3 586.9
Credit market instruments 62.2 62.4 68.8 64.8 142.6
 Corporate bonds 62.2 62.4 68.8 64.8 97.1
 Other bank loans 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.5
Trade payables 36.0 43.1 48.3 45.8 21.2
Security credit 774.2 806.0 957.8 1,200.9 963.6
     Customer credit balances 578.3 575.3 655.7 866.4 742.7
     From banks 195.8 230.7 302.2 334.5 221.0
Taxes payable 2.2 2.1 2.8 2.2 2.5
Miscellaneous liabilities 376.4 405.5 518.5 578.4 429.5
     Foreign direct investment in U.S. 49.6 49.9 59.9 82.7 60.2
     Due to affiliates 531.1 670.1 719.8 682.5 777.1
     Other -204.4 -314.5 -261.3 -186.8 -407.8

(1) Government-sponsored enterprise.
(2) Security repurchase agreements; short-term agreements to sell and repurchase government securities at a specified date and at a set price.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 11, 2009.


($ billions)

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total financial assets $2,127.1 $2,741.7 $3,092.0 $2,217.2 $2,084.2
Checkable deposits and currency 56.5 80.5 105.0 120.1 90.7
Credit market instruments 477.2 583.4 803.1 717.4 525.3
     Open market paper 60.2 64.3 87.1 65.7 41.5
     U.S. government securities 36.4 71.0 230.2 433.2 233.9
          Treasury -64.6 -67.0 -60.0 190.6 123.0
          Agency- and GSE (1) -backed securities 101.0 138.0 290.2 242.6 110.9
     Municipal securities 42.9 50.9 50.1 38.7 35.4
     Corporate and foreign bonds 315.7 355.5 382.8 123.8 171.3
     Other loans and advances 22.0 41.7 52.8 55.9 43.2
Corporate equities 158.3 186.4 224.8 109.2 124.2
Security credit 232.4 292.1 325.5 164.8 203.0
Miscellaneous assets 1,202.6 1,599.4 1,633.7 1,105.7 1,141.0
Total liabilities $2,052.6 $2,669.1 $3,025.9 $2,165.9 $2,013.5
Security repos (2) (net) 733.6 1,071.8 1,147.3 586.9 470.9
Credit market instruments 62.4 68.8 64.8 142.6 92.9
     Corporate bonds 62.4 68.8 64.8 97.1 92.9
     Other bank loans 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.5 0.0
Trade payables 43.1 48.3 45.8 21.2 70.1
Security credit 806.0 957.8 1,200.9 963.6 888.2
     Customer credit balances 575.3 655.7 866.4 742.7 668.6
     From banks 230.7 302.2 334.5 221.0 219.6
Taxes payable 2.1 2.8 2.2 2.5 5.7
Miscellaneous liabilities 405.5 519.5 564.9 449.2 485.8
     Foreign direct investment in U.S. 49.9 61.0 69.2 79.9 100.2
     Due to affiliates 544.5 582.3 545.2 619.2 1,077.6
     Other -188.9 -123.8 -49.4 -249.9 -692.1

(1) Government-sponsored enterprise.
(2) Security repurchase agreements; short-term agreements to sell and repurchase government securities at a specified date and at a set price.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 10, 2010.


($ billions)

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Total financial assets $2,741.7 $3,092.0 $2,217.2 $2,084.2 $2,075.1
Checkable deposits and currency 80.5 105.0 120.1 90.7 96.9
Credit market instruments 583.4 803.1 717.4 525.3 557.5
     Open market paper 64.3 87.1 65.7 41.5 36.2
     U.S. government securities 71.0 230.2 433.2 233.9 244.3
          Treasury -67.0 -60.0 190.6 123.0 94.5
          Agency- and GSE (1)-backed securities 138.0 290.2 242.6 110.9 149.8
     Municipal securities 50.9 50.1 38.7 35.4 40.0
     Corporate and foreign bonds 355.5 382.8 123.8 171.3 184.3
     Other loans and advances 41.7 52.8 55.9 43.2 52.6
Corporate equities 186.4 224.8 109.2 124.2 117.2
Security credit 292.1 325.5 164.8 203.0 278.2
Miscellaneous assets 1,599.4 1,633.7 1,105.7 1,141.0 1,025.3
Total liabilities $2,669.1 $3,020.5 $2,146.3 $1,998.5 $1,987.7
Security repos (2) (net) 1,071.8 1,147.3 586.9 470.9 404.7
Credit market instruments 68.8 64.8 142.6 92.9 129.7
     Corporate bonds 68.8 64.8 97.1 92.9 129.7
     Other bank loans 0.0 0.0 45.5 0.0 0.0
Trade payables 48.3 45.8 21.2 70.1 18.1
Security credit 957.8 1,200.9 963.6 888.2 936.6
     Customer credit balances 655.7 866.4 742.7 668.6 694.3
     From banks 302.2 334.5 221.0 219.6 242.3
Taxes payable 2.8 2.2 2.5 5.7 3.6
Miscellaneous liabilities 519.5 559.5 429.5 470.8 495.0
     Foreign direct investment in U.S. 61.0 63.7 60.2 85.2 100.4
     Due to affiliates 596.5 560.4 626.1 1,158.5 1,142.8
     Other -137.9 -64.6 -256.8 -773.0 -748.2

(1) Government-sponsored enterprise.
(2) Security repurchase agreements; short-term agreements to sell and repurchase government securities at a specified date and at a set price.

Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, June 9, 2011.