Earthquake + Wildfire

Facts about wildfires

Thirty-eight U.S. states are at risk for wildfires, especially during drought conditions and in mountain, foothill or grassland areas. If this sounds like where you live, make sure you understand the risks and that you're adequately protected from these catastrophically destructive events.

Recovering from an earthquake

Earthquakes happen without warning and they can cause damage even in areas where tremors aren't a known issue. If you've experienced a seismic event, here's what you need to do to be safe in the aftermath.

Preparing for an earthquake

Earthquakes have inflicted damage in all 50 U.S states. As urban development and other factors increase vulnerability to quakes, it makes sense to minimize their seismic impact on your family and property with these facts and suggestions.

In case of an earthquake

Protecting yourself and your family

  • Be sure that all family members know how to turn off utilities (gas, water and electricity) in an emergency.
  • Make sure every family member knows where safe spots are in each room, such as under sturdy tables or desks or in strong doorways.
  • Identify danger zones in each room, such as windows, bookshelves and furniture, that may fall over and cause injuries.


Insurance for wildfires

Insuring yourself against wildfires

If the area in which you live is at risk for wildfires, make sure to take appropriate measures to protect your home against these catastrophically destructive events.

However, as it's not always possible to avoid the devastation of a wildfire, it's important to protect yourself financially by having adequate insurance for:
